Study sociology at JCC
The Social Sciences degree with a sociology concentration at Jamestown Community College prepares you for transfer into a bachelor program or enter the workforce directly. You’ll graduate with an understanding of human behavior and high-need skills in communication, research, and critical thinking. You can pursue careers in social services, counseling, education, sales and marketing, law and criminal justice, administrative support, and management.
Sociology is the scientific study of society, examining the behavior of individuals and complex relationships amongst groups, cultures, and institutions. JCC’s sociology program teaches students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers who are engaged citizens working in a variety of meaningful careers.
You’ll work closely with your advisor to choose your courses and prepare for transferring after graduation. The sociology concentration is a SUNY Transfer Path, which can help you identify core coursework for transfer to four-year SUNY schools.
2023 median pay for sociologists: $101,770/year according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Where to study at JCC
Social sciences skills
After you complete the program, you will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the social science approach by using social science concepts and theories to analyze behaviors or institutions (as appropriate to the discipline). This outcome is to be assessed in 2000-level courses.
- Explain or demonstrate the methods that social scientists use to explore social phenomena, or to gather and interpret information (as appropriate to the discipline). This outcome is to be assessed in 2000-level courses.